MIMS Integrated (Toniq)

Your MIMS Integrated data subscription includes access to the following products: MIMS Quick Reference, MIMS DrugAlert., MIMS Patient Information Leaflets. and iMIMS NZ.

:: Community Pharmacies

An annual subscription to MIMS Integrated (Toniq) gives you access to MIMS Quick Reference and MIMS DrugAlert drug interaction checking fully integrated into Toniq software.

Updated monthly with your Toniq update CDs, these valuable products provide interaction warnings when a medicine is being dispensed, or offers an ability to look up quick reference information at any time the software is operational.

Please contact 0508 464 676 to subscribe.

MIMS Integrated (Toniq) user guide

The User Guide is available to download by clicking here.


Technical support for issues regarding the use of MIMS within Toniq is provided by the Toniq helpdesk (+64 3 341 0195).

Subscription and editorial enquiries are handled by MIMS User Support on 0508 464 676 or support@mims.co.nz.

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